Helpful checklists and tips & tricks for wedding planning

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EventButler James

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Last update: February 2024

The organisation of a wedding needs to be well planned. After all, you want to be able to enjoy the most beautiful day to the full. It helps to deal with this early on.

The following tips are intended as a guide and should not be regarded as sacrosanct. Every wedding is unique in its own way, and so are the preparations from couple to couple - and that's a good thing!

There are already dozens of helpful checklists for every type of wedding. We are therefore not creating a new one, but have picked out our personal favourites for you. You can use these checklists as a tool and expand, correct or reduce them as you wish. Plan in a way that suits you and not 1:1 as the checklists suggest. Some couples prepare the most beautiful day years in advance, others plan the wedding spontaneously within a few weeks. Some like it glamorous and expensive, others simple and budget-conscious. There are countless possibilities for wedding celebrations - for both small and large budgets. The important thing is that you are a team when planning, know what you want and then pull together with your helpers (family, groomsmen, friends).

However, a minimum of planning is always necessary and checklists help to avoid forgetting important things in the "heat of the moment" (after all, you have more than enough to do in the run-up anyway). The better prepared you are for this joyful day, the more joy you will have. A well-planned preparation can save you and your family, the witnesses and friends a lot of stress and nerves ... We wish you a successful wedding planning and of course a wonderful wedding celebration!

A selection of practical checklists and tips & tricks for the big day

A selection of practical checklists and tips & tricks for the big day

  • Detailed checklist with description and time horizon (source:
  • Comprehensive checklist "in easy steps to your dream wedding" (source:
  • Checklist "when and what" (source:
  • Checklist for wedding planning with timeline (Source: Hochheuser Hochzeitsplanung)
  • Checklist for the venue search (EventButler)

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