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Team events Active | Adventure  in Germany

19 Entries
19 Entries
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Virtual Reality VR Center Escape Room and Lasertag
Virtual Reality Adventure, Escape Room and Teambuilding

We are openIn our VR Center, hygiene has been given top priority since it was founded. The equipment and objects are disinfected after each customer,...

from 48 CHF
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Entdecken Sie die Potenziale Ihrer Mitarbeiter
Abenteuer Everest - Das Teamevent

Abenteuer Everest schafft unvergessliche Erlebnisse und Einsichten mit fortbestehender Wirkung. Erklimmen Sie den Everest durch die Entwicklung Ihrer Erfolgsstrategien. Gehen Sie über Ihre Grenzen hinaus...

from 79 CHF
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Bringen Sie als Team - Leben ins All
Animals on Mars - das Teamevent

Die Story:Astro-Elefanten und Giraffen im Weltall? Animals on Mars ist eine lebhafte Team-Interaktion und setzt auf unterhaltsame Online-Simulation. Um den Wüstenplaneten Mars in ein biodiverses...

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Einmal in die Rolle des Ermittlers zu schlüpfe
Crime Time Online Event

Während alle gemeinsam ein unvergessliches Erlebnis schaffen, tauchen Sie mit Ihrem Team in eine unvergessliche Mission ein und erleben was es bedeutet, gemeinsam erfolgreich unter...

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Veränderungsprozesse lernen
Turn Around - Teambuilding

Das Konzept:Via Tablet bekommen Ihre Teams verschiedene, kreative Aufgaben gestellt. Angeleitet wird das Event von einem BITOU-Moderator. Der Clou?  Alle Aufgaben müssen von den Teams...

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Alle Kollegen ziehen an einem Strang
Kettenreaktion 4.0 – das Teamevent

Machen Sie Digitalisierung erlebbarDas Teamevent Kettenreaktion ist eine eingetragene Marke von BITOU. Sei es Koordinieren, Tüfteln, Ausprobieren, die Zeit vergeht garantiert im Flug.Hier fließen auch...

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Eine strategische Team-Simulation
Before Mars - Teamentwicklung

Before Mars ist ein strategisches Teamevent, das in 4 Quartalen mit je 5 Runden durchgeführt wird. In jeder Runde geht es jedem Team darum, so...

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Betriebsausflug an der frischen Luft - mal anders!
Smart City Challenge - Teamevent

An der frischen Luft neuen Schwung ins Team bringen, mit einem Betriebsausflug oder einem Teamevent ? Den passenden Rahmen bietet unsere Smart City Challenge. Dabei...

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Team Event Fussball-Dart, Footdart, Footsoccer

Beim Fußball-Dart schießt du mit speziellen Bällen auf eine gigantische aufblasbare Dartscheibe – ein echter Spaß für das gesamte Team. Die Bälle bleiben dabei durch...

from 45 CHF
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Ein mobiles Casino als Eventidee für Ihre Feier.
Mobiles Casino für Ihre Firmenfeier oder Weihnachtsfeier

Casino4Home ist ihr mobiles Casino für die Veranstaltung ihrer Wahl. Ob Junggesellenabschied, Hochzeit, Firmenfeier, Weihnachtsfeier oder Geburtstag. Die mobilen Casinotische, wie Poker, Roulette, BlackJack, Craps...

from 50 CHF
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08. - 10. Mai (Springen) & 15. - 17. Mai (Dressur)
Albführer Regio Classics

Die Albführen Regio Classics werden auch in diesem Jahr wieder getreu dem Motto: „Aus der Region für die Region“ veranstaltet. Am ersten Wochenende finden Springprüfungen...

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Profis ermitteln! Im Team spannende Krimis löses!

Das CSI: Training™ ist eine Mischung aus Entertainment und Team-Building. Das Event zur TV-Serie. Einmalig und lizenziert! Ihre Mitarbeiter arbeiten als Team einer Kriminaleinheit. Das...

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Teambuilding, Spannung, Nervenkitzel!
Teamevent Bombenentschärfung

Achtung explosiv! Bei diesem Event hat Ihr Team die Aufgabe, die Bauweise einer Bombe zu entschlüsseln und diese zu entschärfen. Fingerspitzengefühl, absolute Konzentration und eine...

from 85 CHF
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Bogenschießen mit dem achtfachen deutschen Meister
Bogensport Kuffer

Einmal Robin Hood sein? Wollten Sie das nicht auch schon immer einmal ausprobieren? Wir bieten Ihnen hier die Möglichkeit dazu. Unter der fachkundigen Anleitung eines...

from 49 CHF
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Ein Outdoor Teamevent der besonderen Art
Bauernolympiade - Dabei sein ist alles!

Da bleibt kein Auge trocken... Kuh melken? Hühner schleudern? Strohballen rollen? Unsere Bauernolympiade begeistert mit "Kuhlen" und "Sau"-lustigen Disziplinen! Mit Spaß, Teamgeist, Motivation, Eifer und...

from 89 CHF

The Best Team Events for Unforgettable Experiences

Are you looking for inspiring team event ideas for your company or club? Then you've come to the right place at EventButler! Here you'll find a wide selection of creative and exciting activities that will bring your team closer together and create lasting, positive memories.

Teambuilding as the Key to Success

In today's working world, teambuilding is becoming increasingly important. A well-functioning team is the foundation for successful projects and satisfied employees. Teambuilding activities strengthen the sense of belonging, promote communication, and help to better recognize and utilize individual strengths and weaknesses within the team. But which teambuilding ideas are best suited for your team?

Creative and Exciting Teambuilding Games

When planning a team event, it's essential to select the right teambuilding games that boost team spirit and are also enjoyable. At EventButler, you'll find a wide range of games and activities tailored to your team's needs. Whether sporty, creative, or mentally challenging, there's something for everyone.

Team Events for Every Company and Club

Our team events are suitable for companies and clubs of all sizes and industries. Whether you run a small startup or a large, established company, EventButler offers the perfect team event ideas to motivate your employees and strengthen team spirit.

Customized Planning for Unique Experiences

Each team is unique and has different needs. That's why EventButler helps you find individual and customized team event ideas for your team. We take the time to understand your wishes and requirements and provide you with suitable suggestions for an unforgettable team event.

Conclusion: Team Events for Lasting Memories

A successful team event can strengthen your team sustainably and promote cohesion. At EventButler, you'll find a variety of creative teambuilding ideas and teambuilding games tailored to your team's needs. Regardless of whether you run a company or a club, we have the right event to provide your team with unforgettable experiences. Check it out now and find the perfect team event for your employees!

Team events / Event activities (program frameworks)

For private events, team outings, customer events, or seminars and conferences, the question often arises of which activity can be combined with the event. A suitable activity before or during the event "loosens up" the occasion. Thus, some creative team events have already provided the highlight at some events.

The right event activity - as part of the event - will remain positively remembered by your guests in the long term.

In the category of Team events, you can immerse yourself in this fascinating world. Depending on the event, you can select the appropriate activity: Should it be sporty or adventurous?

Is team building the main focus? Or is fun and enjoyment the top priority? You enter the desired criteria and EventButler presents you with team events that match your criteria.

In addition to the type of activity, there are other criteria available to perfectly meet your needs: Should the event take place in the mountains? Should it be child-friendly, by the water, in the air, or involve animals? You set the criteria and EventButler finds it for you! Click here for team events.

Have you already found the suitable team event/activity and still need the appropriate event location or other event services? EventButler also has the appropriate offers ready for you here.

Click here for the category of event locations

Click here for the category of event service providers

Active & Adventure: Team events for Unforgettable Adventure Events

Are you searching for exciting Active & Adventure Team events? Then you've come to the right place at EventButler! In this category, we offer a wide selection of adventure events, outdoor activities, and team-building adventures to make your club or company outings unforgettable. Let's dive together into the world of action and adrenaline!

Exciting Outdoor Activities and Team-Building Adventures

Whether you're looking for action-packed events, adrenaline events, or extreme sports activities, at EventButler, you'll find a variety of outdoor activities for every team. Experience survival training, high ropes course events, climbing park adventures, and much more with your colleagues or club members.

Water Sports and Pure Adrenaline: Canyoning, Rafting, and Dragon Boat Racing

For water rats and adventurers, we offer canyoning tours and rafting expeditions that will bring your team even closer together. Or how about an exciting dragon boat race, where you can prove your teamwork skills?

Action on Two Wheels: Mountain Biking, Segway Tours, and Parkour

If you prefer a more leisurely pace, our mountain biking adventures and Segway tours offer an unforgettable experience. For those who want to test their physical limits, our parkour workshops are just the thing.

Team Fun and Strategy: Paintball, Geocaching, and Zorbing

Paintball action, geocaching events, and zorbing experiences are additional highlights in our Active & Adventure category. Here, you can develop strategic skills together and put your communication to the test.

Thrills and Adrenaline: Bungee Jumping and Skydiving

For those seeking the ultimate adrenaline rush, we offer bungee jumping and skydiving. These extreme sports events guarantee unforgettable experiences and an extra dose of adrenaline. Discover the diverse possibilities for your next Active & Adventure event on EventButler now. We look forward to helping you plan and organize your action-packed event!